What Diabetics Need to Know About Visiting the Dentist

16 June 2015
 Categories: Dentist, Blog


If you or someone you know happens to be affected by diabetes, you'll know that while the condition can be an inconvenience, it's also perfectly manageable. Managing the condition should go beyond monitoring your blood sugar, watching your diet, and diligently taking any medication that might have been prescribed. It also means you should pay extra attention to your oral health. You might in fact need to visit your local dental clinic more often than other people since diabetes is linked to certain dental conditions. So what are some of the aspects of dental health you need to be mindful about when affected by diabetes? And what can you do to ensure that your diabetes doesn't adversely affect the wellbeing of your teeth and gums?

Frequency of Visits

It's suggested that most people should visit the dentist once or twice a year. This ensures that any problems are noted and addressed before they develop into something more severe. People with diabetes should visit the dentist at least twice a year and possibly even more often if directed.

Your Blood Vessels

While not necessarily more prone to cavities, those with diabetes can be more affected by gum disease, which of course can mean problems for the teeth. Diabetes means that your blood vessels can thicken, affecting blood flow around your body. This means that your body might not be able to deal with bacterial infections in your gums, and the problem can become severe within a relatively short time frame.

Healing Takes Time

Decreased blood flow to the mouth can also affect how your body heals. When those with diabetes need to have a dental procedure performed, the healing process can take longer. It means your body is less capable of delivering blood-borne nutrients to the affected area, as well as not being effective in removing infection.

Diabetes Medication

Your diabetes medication can also play a role in determining any medication your dentist might need to prescribe. Be sure to provide your dentist with a list of any medication you're taking to manage your diabetes.

So while your diabetes can be managed with the right amount of attention, it's important to remember that the condition can be a contributing factor to other aspects of your health and well-being. Good oral health is the best way to ensure that your diabetes does not affect your teeth and gums any more than necessary, so make sure that you brush at least twice a day, and you might want to consider in investing in a dental irrigator, which is less likely to cause bleeding than flossing. For more information, contact a local Dental Clinic