3 Things to Know about Bone Grafting and Your Dental Implants

12 August 2015
 Categories: Dentist, Blog


Bone grafting is a term that you may hear from your dentist or in articles related to dental implants. This procedure is usually part of the dental implant process when the bone has decayed along with the teeth and the placement for the implants requires an even bone area.

The term bone grafting may actually be what keeps you from getting dental implants and going with another option like dentures. Before you make that jump, consider the following points you should know about the bone grafting process:

Consultations May Eliminate the Option

As your teeth decay and you begin to loose your teeth, your jawbone will start to decrease in those spots. This leaves an uneven area or unsuitable area to hold the dental implant in place. During your dental consultation, especially if you have extensive tooth decay and loss, your dentist may find that dental implants are simply not an option and that bone grafting will not help.

This makes the consultation an important step in determining if your fear of bone grafting is even something to concern yourself with.

Types of Bone Grafting

There are three types of bone grafting that you may face in order to get your dental implants. The first is a socket graft. This grafting is focused on just a socket that has a missing tooth. This is to build the socket up so it can hold a dental implant and so it can stabilize the surrounding teeth.

Another type of bone grafting is a block bone graft. This is the most common type of bone grafting and deals with a specific area and not just one socket. A sinus lift procedure is the third type of bone grafting your dentist may mention. This type of grafting process deals specifically with the upper jaw area.

Materials Used in Bone Grafting

Another aspect that you may be concerned with regarding the bone grafting for your dental implants are the materials used. In most cases, your dentist is going to use a bone grafting material that is made of a synthetic substance that resembles bone when it hardens. There is a misconception that the bone for dental grafting is taken from other bone in the mouth, which is not the case.

These are just three of the things you should know about bone grafting and your dental implants. If you think that dental implants may be an option for you, schedule a consultation with your dentist. Contact a professional such as Dr. John Michalopoulos to learn more.