Got a Toothache? 4 Reasons to See the Dentist as Soon as Possible

9 June 2016
 Categories: Dentist, Blog


When you are living on a tight budget, it's understandable that you want to avoid unnecessary expenses. However, putting off a visit to the dentist when you have a toothache can be dangerous and is unlikely to save you money in the long run. Here are four key reasons to book an appointment with an emergency dentist, rather than hoping that your toothache goes away on its own.

1. Ignoring a Toothache Can Be Dangerous

Pain in one of your teeth is a sign that something is wrong. Sometimes, the cause of a toothache is a simple cavity, but occasionally the source of the pain is an infection, which can spread to other parts of the body and in rare cases can be fatal. If you have any signs of infection, such as swelling in the tissues around the tooth, see an emergency dentist as soon as possible. The dentist can provide antibiotics to fight the infection and give you advice about further treatment.

2. You Can Spread the Cost With a Payment Plan

Not having the cash available to pay for dental treatment doesn't necessarily mean you have to put off going to the dentist while you save up. Many dentists offer payment plans that allow you to spread the cost of treatment over several weeks or months. When you make your dental appointment, ask about payment plans to find out what your options are.

3. Government Help is Available

If you currently receive government assistance, you may be able to get financial assistance to cover your dental costs. There are subsidies available that can help both adults and children in Australia with the costs of dental treatment. Visit the Department of Health website to find schemes that you or your kids might be eligible to use.

4. Timely Treatment is Often Less Expensive

The longer you wait to get treatment for your toothache, the more you are likely to end up paying in the long run. Toothache is often a sign of dental decay, where bacteria eats away the enamel coating that protects your teeth to uncover the sensitive inner parts of the tooth. If dental decay is caught early, dentists can successfully treat it by filling in the cavity with a dental composite. However, if you leave the decay untreated for a long time, bacteria could start attacking the tooth's central nerve, leading to you losing the tooth or needing an expensive root canal procedure.